Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Canyon fodder

Hurricane, UT – Strong gusts of wind rocked the RV through most of the night last night. Sometimes it felt like someone was standing outside, repeatedly shoving the side of the motorhome! Although you’d think being rocked is a good thing to encourage sleep, it took me a long time to drift off.

It was a bit calmer when we got up this morning, but much cooler than yesterday. The thought of visiting a canyon with icy winds tunneling between the rock walls and blasting us was not terribly appealing even though the sun was out.  We had some shopping to do in town, so we took it easy today in hopes of better weather conditions tomorrow.

The clerk at the bulk food store, it turns out, lived in Toronto many years ago, and really enjoyed her stay there. Yesterday, outside of Zion park, we stopped for an ice cream cone and found out that our server had lived in Edmonton for 18 months.  And when we were in the park, we saw the strangest motorhome – it looked like a reconditioned garbage truck by its odd shape, and was made with overlapping plates of metal held together with rivets – and it had Ontario licence plates! It is a small world.

After stopping at a café for lunch, we headed for the same cinema we’d been to the other day; this time we saw August: Osage County with Meryl Streep, Julia Roberts, and Chris Cooper, among others.  The subtitle of the movie describes it rather well: “Misery Loves Family”.  It would make any family look positively ideal by comparison. The acting was very well done and the Oklahoma farm country setting plus the dark interior scenes enhanced the story line quite effectively. It did not, however, leave me aglow with satisfaction!

On our way to the ci-nema, we passed the blossoming tree that is our lead photo for today. There are trees like it every-where here!  And there are robins about as well, al-though I’ve only heard them.  I have yet to actually see one.  We were visited the other evening by a flock of quails, scurrying under a picnic table at the next site looking, perhaps, for some wayward crumbs to nibble.  They look so funny with their little topknots.

The new weather station on our wall tells us tomorrow may be a nicer day for canyon fodder. Let’s hope.

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