Monday, February 4, 2013

Parties and prizes!

Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Feb. 2-4, 2013

Dunedin, FL – I won at Bingo tonight! I won $60! So there’s a shopping spree in my future, I guess! What an exciting feeling, shouting “Bingo!” before anyone else and netting a nice sum. It makes up for all the “oh, well”s I sighed last Monday for sure.

The social scene at Dunedin RV Resort has been a-buzzing lately, with a Tiki keg party from noon to three around the pool on Saturday to start with, complete with hot dogs, hamburgers and live music. Quite a few people gathered for the event, bringing their lawn chairs and, in many cases, their sweaters. It was a funny day, weatherwise; in the sun it was beautifully warm, but as soon as you got into the shade it felt quite chilly. So a lot of people were shifting from one to the other as the afternoon progressed.

Sunday, being Super Bowl Sunday, meant more celebrating; this time it was a pizza party on John and Fawn’s street for which Fawn was one of the organizers. Fawn and I were out together Sunday morning (more on that later), so we hit a couple of stores to pick up snacks at bargain prices while we were out. We had also helped find some joke prizes the day before to add to the fun.

There were 42 people in all who came, bringing desserts, relish trays and other contributions. All the picnic tables from people’s sites were lined up on the side of the street, which they closed off at both ends, and Fawn’s co-organizer Tom and John cruised in to the cheering crowd with their carload of pizzas to start the festivities. A good time was had by all, and there was no shortage of good food for everyone.

The prize for the male contestant who threw a Nerf football the furthest was a set of tiny golf clubs for tabletop play, and, for the female winner, an Old Maid card game. The unisex prize, for the person who successfully lobbed the football into a laundry basket, was a squishy ball with rubbery hairs and a blinking light inside. And the winner – after elimination rounds – was Fawn! Yay! She got the best prize of all!

When everything was tidied away and people had dispersed to go and watch the game, Fawn and I took Algarve for his evening walk and looked back over a very full day. We had gone out, the two of us, to the community “Kirk” up the street that morning to hear a speaker named Don Piper. He had been killed in a car crash in 1989, and then, 90 minutes later as a pastor friend prayed over his dead body, came back to life again. I had read his book “90 Minutes in Heaven” a couple of years ago and was glad of an opportunity to see him and hear his story first hand. The huge turnout indicated that quite a few others wanted to do the same, and his excellent presentation was well worth hearing. So was the magnificent organ that provided the musical elements of the service.

We are looking forward to some warmer temperatures as the week unfolds; we’ve been waking up to 55 degrees or so the last few mornings. Not that we’re complaining! Haven’t seen a snowflake in weeks now!

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