So, off we went in the direction of Fayetteville, North
Carolina, opting to travel along state highway #15 rather than those crowded
interstates. The lovely countryside and less congested traffic were our reward.
Not only that, but as we continued southward, there were more and more signs of
spring! We rounded a curve and there on a hillside was a sunny yellow clump of
daffodils, and a bit further on, fruit trees adorned in a froth of blossoms.
The drab beige of yesterday’s fields was mingled with green sprouts and even a
few expanses of pure emerald green. Lovely.

Shortly after crossing the state line into North Carolina,
we arrived in Oxford, and as we drove through on its main street, we passed
some magnificent antebellum mansions, complete with stately columns and formal
gardens. They reminded us of some of the homes we saw in New Orleans.
Getting through Durham was a challenge. The maps we had with
us indicated a spaghetti pile of roads, highways and interstates, and we did
experience a few glitches, but that’s all part of the adventure, right? We
emerged on the other side and eventually, thanks to the patient GPS lady, got
to our hotel, so all’s well that ends well.
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