Our travel itinerary today was amended by a conversation we
had in a Wal-Mart parking lot the other day. We learned that Interstate 4, the
principal east-west corridor we’d planned on using, would be congested with
traffic and construction much of the way, so we decided to cross from the
Atlantic side to the Gulf side via State Route 50. We could follow most of the
route on our paper map, but the spaghetti pile of highways around Orlando made
it impossible to trace the 50 through to the other side. It looked like we
could get through, so we set off with our GPS on “view map” and hoped for the

A little further along, we found The Home Depot, where we
picked up one of those lightweight garden hoses that shrink down to nothing,
some batteries and a few removable hooks to increase the storage possibilities
of the RV. It was satisfying to check those items off our list!
As we expected, Route 50 did take us through the Orlando spaghetti
and out the other side. In addition, it gave us some lovely rural scenery to
enjoy, complete with bucolic scenes of grazing cattle, splashes of pink
wildflowers in the ditches and a distinct lack of 18-wheelers. Before long, we
had turned south on Highway 19, tracing the west coast of Florida on a route
that was very familiar to us.
It was great to see the US and Canada flags flapping at the
entrance of the RV park when we finally arrived, and to be welcomed by familiar
faces at the park office. We wanted to pick up some groceries, so we headed out
once again to do that before settling in our site.
Back at the park, Val wanted to fill the holding tank with
water, so we set up the hose, fed it into the inlet by the driver’s side door
and turned on the shore water tap. We’d put a small amount of water yesterday,
but now we wanted to fill the tank and see how the pump worked. I was inside
sweeping out some accumulated grit on the floor when suddenly kapow! A geyser
of water gushed out of the inlet hole all over the open driver’s door, driver’s
seat and beyond! Guess the flow was more intense than we’d realized! Another
item to chalk up to experience.
When we were finishing our supper on the picnic table
outside, Anna and Willem dropped by to welcome us, so we pulled out our brand
new chairs and set them up. That’s when I noticed the big white letters on each
chair back: DICK’S Sporting Goods. Great! Our thrifty chairs are doing ad
promotions on the side. I guess we can’t complain since they were quite the
$6.95 !!! Let me know how long those beauties last. Could be the bargain of the century or ...
Hi Brenda,
Just read all your blogs Up to this point to Nevitt at Starwood while waiting for dinner. She liked the part about Nevitt House in Savannah! Glad to hear the RV is fulfilling your wishes. We'll post another comment when we'be read the rest!
Chris & Nevitt
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