After checking weather forecasts for the days of our trip before departure, we actually expected rain every day. Yesterday we got it from about 3 pm onward, but today? Not a drop, thank goodness. The day dawned clear and bright, and although grey clouds drifted in as the hours passed, they behaved themselves.
No earth-shattering events took place in our world today.
However, it was fun to watch the vegetation change from very southern greenery
that includes palmettos and Spanish moss, to forests with just deciduous and
evergreen trees. By the time we got to North Carolina, I was delighted to see
blossom trees from time to time – particularly dogwoods, but also cherry trees
and something else that resembled lilacs in bloom (but wasn’t lilacs).
Southern country it remained, though, judging from the
highway signs. Ads for boiled peanuts, gun shops, fireworks, and southern
cooking prevailed, plus two huge Confederate flags that I didn’t manage to
capture with my cell phone camera.
There were also tons of huge signs for “South of the Border”
that counted down the miles to the site with corny word tricks and pictures of
Pedro in a sombrero every two miles. Finally, we came to a curve in the highway
and there, high above the treeline, was a huge sombrero marking the
long-awaited (by some) site! It was an enormous Mexican theme park. Whew, I
thought to myself, no more corn-ball signs. Then? “Adios” a mile later! Argh!

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