Armed with this helpful information, we headed out this morning under a brisk wind and sunny sky. Again, I got to enjoy the evidence of Spring’s arrival with yellow sprays of forsythia next to farmhouses, apple blossoms on hillsides, and the white froth of dogwoods in passing forests. I even saw jonquils and daffodils in bloom, plus a couple of clumps of tulips.
Once we departed from the Interstate 95, with its whizzing transport trucks and motorhomes, and turned onto Highway 15, our blood pressure decreased measurably. Rolling hills, farm fields striped with the first green sprouts of new crops, and sleepy towns had a wonderfully calming effect. It was quite lovely to look at!

By the time our stomachs began to growl for lunch, we were
close to Leesburg, VA, so instead of taking the bypass, we followed the
business route into town. It was great to see some of the historic buildings in
the centre of town, and we did pass a few boutique-type restaurants with no
sign of a parking place anywhere, so we carried on. Just when we thought we’d
run out of possibilities, we spotted the Roots Café and Market – just the
thing! A nice tasty menu with wholesome ingredients, plus some neat products on
sale to check out afterwards.
We were making good time when we got going again, and before
long the GPS told us there was less than an hour to go. By this time the skies
had darkened quite a bit and to our dismay, white flakes of snow starting
drifting down! Well, it was better than rain, and we figured this far north, in
April, snow is almost inevitable. Besides, we’d be home free in no time…..
WRONG. As the road became more hilly in the Appalachian
foothills, we suddenly saw ahead of us a long string of traffic with red brake
lights aglow. Traffic slowed to a crawl and then stopped altogether. Our
careful efforts to avoid traffic tie-ups were in vain! “Traffic congestion has
added 60 minutes to your arrival time,” the GPS announced in what I was sure
was a very snarky tone of voice. Well, maybe that was my imagination. At least
I had a crossword puzzle to do and access to our cooler bag where we found some
crackers to munch on – and clever me, I picked up a couple of oranges when we’d
stopped to fill up with gas! So we were OK, if a little irritated and bored.
When we did finally reach our hotel, it was a welcome sight!
And there was 24-hour tea and coffee in the lobby to refresh us after we got
settled. Only one more day till we get home! Yay.
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