Houston commuters had a nightmare this morning on the
highways and byways. Overnight rain hit
below-freezing surfaces, especially those on overpasses in the region, and
turned everything into a skating rink. The
local TV news stations devoted their entire morning segment to the havoc this
caused, sending transport trucks into railings, cars into tailspins and tow
truck owners into overtime. Schools and
businesses shut down for the day, and kids everywhere frolicked on icy
hillsides using anything they could find for sleds. University students discovered that laundry
baskets were great for sliding, and some of them said they’d never seen snow
With no particular agenda, we decided it would be most prudent
to stay put, but that didn’t mean we sat idle. To push back the cold radiating
through the walls and floor of the RV, I dug out our little electric space
heater. Not long after, because we had to run the furnace constantly all night,
the propane finally gave out. In order
to refill the tank, we had to close everything up in the RV to travel the 50
feet to the filling tank – just as if we were preparing to drive 200
miles. But before we could pull in the
slides on the side and back of the RV, Val had to dig out our scraper and hack
away at a quarter inch of ice that had been deposited on the exposed
sides. The mirrors were also coated in
ice, so there was more scraping to be done there.
The person who normally pumps liquid propane at the RV park
couldn’t get to work because of the ice storm, so the husband of one of the
staff had to be briefed by phone on how to do it. Another staff member who had seen it done
went out with him to provide moral support.
I stood well back while the job was done!
Val had detached the hose once again last night to keep our
pipes from freezing, but unlike the other times, it never got warm enough to
re-attach it today, so we were without water.
The staff very kindly filled our kettle, jug and empty plastic milk
bottle so we had something for brushing our teeth and making coffee. Today’s hot shower in the main building was
especially nice! We didn’t even mind the
construction mess around the restroom area, which is in the process of being
When sanity appeared to have returned to the roadways later
this afternoon, we ventured out to do a bit of shopping and take in a movie
nearby (Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit – a fast paced thriller with a rather thin story
line). Then we headed for a Cracker
Barrel restaurant, at my insistence. I
was almost as interested in a good meal as I was to see the standard crackling
fire that’s always blazing away in their big stone hearth. At last, an
interlude of true warmth on a day that has provided very little of same!
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